ประชาสัมพันธ์: หลักสูตรของทาง 1+4 Years Degree Program ของทาง Providence University
หลักสูตรนี้ผู้เรียนจะได้เรียนภาษาจีนและพัฒนาระดับภาษาจีนในปีที่ 1และในปีที่ 2 ผู้เรียนสามารถเลือกสาขาวิชาเอก(หลักสูตรสอนภาษาจีน)ที่สนใจตามที่มหาวิทยาลัยกำหนด
คลิปแนะนำหลักสูตร https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9u7ALF1Xusc…
“International Foundation Program (IFP)” is a “1+4 Years Degree Program”, which is designed for the international students without Chinese language proficiency but eager to come to Taiwan for studying. Please find the features of it as following:
1. No Chinese language proficiency requirement.
2. Students will focus on learning Chinese and improve their Chinese level in the 1st year and then bridge to the academic program in the 2nd year.3. Limited to the 7 specific departments (Chinese taught programs):
(1) Department of Social Work & Child Welfare (社會工作與兒童少年福利學系)
(2) Department of Food and Nutrition-Division of Nutrition and Health (食品營養學系-營養與保健組)
(3) Department of Food and Nutrition-Division of Food Science and Biotechnology (食品營養學系-食品與生物技術組)
(4) Department of Cosmetic Science (化粧品科學系)
(5) Department of Computer Science & Information Management (資訊管理學系)
(6) Department of Computer Sciences & Information Engineering (資訊工程學系)
(7) Department of Computer Sciences & Communication Engineering (資訊傳播工程學系)
4. Students can apply for the Providence Grant (scholarship) during their study.
5. Students can apply for work permit during their study.
Enclosed please find the detailed introduction of our “International Foundation Program (IFP)” for your reference. It would be appreciated if you could share it to the potential students who are interested in it. The application deadline for the 2022 Fall semester enrollment is June 30, 2022.